Normal Fertility

Normal Fertility

Normal Fertility


Normal or abnormal?

Medicine, with its art and its science, exists to render the abnormal normal.This is why our societies train doctors. But who’s to say where the distinction between normal and abnormal lies?

If fertility is like height or weight—with no sharp distinction between normal and abnormal-and if we were to represent it on a graph, we’d be left with calling, say, the middle 90 percent of the population normal, and both the top 5 percent and the bottom 5 percent (with greatest and least fertility) abnormal. Right here and now were not bothered W the top 5 percent of the population (these couples today no longer have a problem). But the bottom 3 percent is surely an under-representation of the problem.There s the perfectly understandable pressure for everyone with below average fertility to be concerned and to seek help.

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When time goes by without a pregnancy, mental stress is not far behind. Can it be the other way around? Y/hat part do psychological factors play in causing infertility or in causing infertility to persist? Poes ‘having a good holiday , such as cruising in an ocean liner, really help? How valid are well-meant comments like,4 If You’d only stop trying so hard you’d get pregnant’? Is it useful to hear that if You could only relax, if You sex before ovulation ‘to save up the sperm’, but add to the stress? Although there’s some evidence that stress can lower sperm counts and so contribute to male-related infertility, there is no evidence that stress in women causes infertility if the menstrual cycle is undisturbed and if having sex is not being overlooked. In fact the opposite might be true. One reason the mistaken notion that stress causes infertility is so widespread is that everyone seems to have heard of couples who adopt a child and then promptly conceive one of their own, despite years of infertility We refer to such evidence as being ‘anecdotal’relying on spectac ular examples that blow you over instead of relying on boring, pamstak. Ing studies to work out what actually happens.

Remember Mark Twain, who said, ‘Get your facts first and then later, at your leisure, you can distort them as much as you please’? The facts are that there are only two good psychologically based reasons for a woman not getting pregnant: not ovulating properly and not having sex. There have been no fewer than five careful studies on the real chance

We would not advise getting stressed for the sake of it: pregnancy can certainly happen if you’re not stressed but nevertheless committed to keep trying. So by all means avoid stress if you can (it’s what we all want to avoid), but if stress is part of Vour life don’t get extrastressed worrying that stress is stopping you from conceiving. If you’re ovulating and you’re having sex, stress isn’t the cause of your infertility. On the second psychologically related factor, you do need to have sex at more or less the right time. This is an area where many couples get into a vicious circle. Sex is postponed in the hope of saving up for a heavy hit that’s meant to coincide with ovulation. Then the moment comes (or is thought to come) and stress or some other excuse gets in the way: Is having sex often ever bad for getting pregnant? No. No-one has ever shown that You can have sex too often for fertility. What has been shown is that frequent ejaculation decreases the concentration of sperm in each ejaculate examined in a laboratory. But who cares? Research and common sense both point to the best place for sperm being not the laboratory but the vagina-or, more exactly, the mucus of the cervix, where sperm are nourished and stored over several day s For steady release upwards towards the fallopian tube.The more sperm that get there, and the fresher they are, the better. If this is two or three times a day, then wow! And this will be true no matter what sperm count result you get from the laboratory. If, as a young couple, you’re living in a room at home with your parents or his-maybe with other children and with thin walls-having sex is going to be a stressful event, and almost certainly is not going to be as frequent or successful as it would be otherwise.

A short holiday-a weekend or a week away during ovulation time tend to work wonders.

Holiday at Ovulation time!

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