How much does Acupuncture for IVF cost?


IVF cost Cairns  - Acupuncture component

How much does Acupuncture for IVF cost?

It will depend on what your diagnosis is.  Both from a western perspective and also from a Chinese Medicine Perspective!

Usually treatments cost $80.00 and you will be able to claim them back via your private health insurance.  The treatments should be once a week.

Chinese Herbs should be taken every day and are usually about $10.00 per week.

IVF cost Cairns

IVF cost Cairns

IVF cost Cairns

Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs are now being incorporated into IVF clinical practice because they help more women to get pregnant and faster.

The cost of adding Acupuncture and Chinese herbs to your IVF process is minimal but it does increase your chances of having successful IVF cycles by 30%-50% which is quite astonishing!

If you are an trying to get pregnant after 35 years old....Acupuncture and Chinese herbs are highly recommended as they can get you to be more fertile faster and therefore put your mind at ease about your time constraints and reduce your feelings of urgency.

We recommend you also do Basal body temperature charting as this is a useful tool for acupuncturists to work with to tweak your herbs regimen and see how the IVF and herbs are working alongside the acupuncture and if any adjustments need to be made!

We also use pulse diagnosis and look at your tongue during your acupuncture treatments.

Acupuncture helps you to achieve your pregnancy in many different ways and is often tailored to the reasons why you are not getting pregnant.

It is also highly recommended that you send your husband along for Acupuncture (please not we do not put needles in any sensitive areas ie around testes or close to the vagina).

The acupuncture needles usually go around your legs/arms and may need to be placed below your belly button.


IVF cost Cairns

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