Cairns IVF- Increase your success with the help of Acupuncture!
Cairns IVF- Increase your success with the help of Acupuncture!
Cairns IVF- Chinese Medicine may be able to assist conception with fertility clinic.
Cairns IVF

Cairns IVF
We are a chinese Medicine Clinic and Acupuncture Clinic with a special interest in fertility, pregnancy and labour. Cairns Acupuncture and Tanya Galvin may be able to assist your conception and work in with your IVF clinic or your fertility clinic! 0408 054 538.
Cairns IVF – The Pathology of Infertility
Cairns IVF – Western medical pathologies of female reproduction
There are several primary pathological conditions that may interfere with a female’s ability to achieve pregnancy:
Ovarian factors
At around 41 years of age, the function of a woman’s ovaries starts to decline. (Although this is a natural stage of a woman’s development, the purposes of achieving pregnancy, it is considered a pathology the purposes of achieving pregnancy, it is considered a pathology here.) This decline results in the production of lesser quality eggs. Fertilization of these eggs is more difficult and, generally? They do not develop as well after fertilization, v^hen the ovaries decline in function? Follicle-stimulating hormone (FS^) levels increase in order to induce ovulation. FSH levels above 10 indicate that the ovarian function has declined, making pregnancy more difficult to achieve. Even when pregnancy does occur, it is usually more difficult for the woman to carry the embryo to term, and miscarriage often results. In addition, estrogen and progesterone levels decrease, causing a thinning of the endometri um. All of these factors affect the implantation of the embryo.
Another condition of the ovaries is the occasional or total failure to ovulate. This may be due to hormonal changes causing irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, or heavy uterine bleeding. This condition may also be due to polycystic ovaries.
Treatment for these conditions focuses on regulating the menses, balancing hormone levels, and if needed, treating polycysts and endometriosis. Once this is achieved, fertility is greatly increased.
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Fallopian tube factors
The fallopian tubes may become blocked due to infection or endometriosis causing adhesions. As a result, the sperm is unable to fertilize the egg.
- Uterine factors
Uterine (fibroid) myomas distort the uterine cavity or block the interstitial parts of the tubes, thus preventing the embryo from moving to the uterus. Another problem arises when the uterus is too small for the embryo to grow and develop.
- Cervical factors
Cervical or vaginal infection can cause repletion dischage or mucus which may kill or inhibit the advance of the sperm. This may be due to the presence of antibodies.
Female Pathology according to Chinese Medicine
In order for fertilization to occur, the yin, yang, qi, and blood of the kidneys all need to be perfectly balanced. When one or more of these elements is out of balance, a disharmony results and infertility may occur. When diagnosing infertility, it is important to differentiate clearly between cases of vacuity and cases of repletion. The following patterns relate to the uterus and the thoroughfare and controlling vessels, which includee the ovaries and fallopian tubes.
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Vacuity Patterns
A. Blood and yin Vacuity
If the liver blood and kidney yin are vacuous, the essence will not be sufficient to nourish the uterus and the thoroughfare and controlling vessels.
This condition may bring about various problems with the eggs, such as the inability of the egg to be fertilized, the fertilized egg not being able to implant itself and grow, or the lack of any eggs.
B. Qi and yang vacuity
When there is a vacuity of the qi and yang of the spleen and kidneys, there is inadequate energy to transform and activate the uterus and the thoroughfare and controlling vessels, also leading t the inability of the egg to be fertilized or for the fertilized egg to implant itself and grow.
- Repletion Patterns
Pathogenic factors such as cold, heat, phlegm, and dampness as well as stagnation of qi and stasis of blood have the effect of obstructing the uterus and blocking its channels. Because of this blockage, fertilization cannot occur.
There are some connection between Western medical pathology and Chinese medical pathology. For example, absence or irregularity of ovulation, a small uterus, a thin endometrium, poor quality of eggs, poor quantity of follicles, low estradiol, low progesterone and high FSH, often correspond mainly to the vacuity of kidney yin, yang, or both but also correspond to qi and blood vacuity. Uterin Myomas, ovarian cystitis, adhesions, endometriosis, and blockage of fallopian tubes oftne correspond to the Chinese Medical pattern descrimination of qi stagnation and blood stasis with phlegm dampness. Cervical infection, vaginal infection, pelvic infection and fallopian tube infection often correspond to damp heat or toxins with blood stasis.
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