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Cairns Acupuncture
Help with Acupuncture treatments alongside ivf treatments and fertility clinics.

Cairns Acupuncture
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Alongside IVF
Acupuncture for IVF Embryo Transfer
There have been several studies showing the benefit of acupuncture treatment with a specific protocol before and after an embryo transfer during an IVF cycle. There are 14 research studies published in the peer reviewed journal Fertility and Sterility. This journal is highly regarded internationally as one of the best sources for Reproductive Endocrinology research studies. These studies have indicated that acupuncture performed before and after IVF embryo transfer has increased the rates of pregnancy by as much as 35-50%. That is a large increase when you add up all the time, money, effort, emotion, etc. it takes to go through an IVF cycle. Both you and your doctor wants you to succeed with conception. Why not add acupuncture?
In the meta-analysis done on all of these studies, it appears that the population that has the most increase in pregnancy rates while having a pre and post acupuncture treatment at the time of embryo transfer is the women who have a less than 50% chance of conceiving with IVF. This is great news for Reproductive Endocrinologists and patients. While women that have more than a 50% chance of conceiving with IVF also get benefit from acupuncture, the less than 50% population actually receives more benefit. The women who benefit most tend to be in the category of increased age (36 and older) and women who have had failed IVF cycles.
Acupuncture can help with IVF cycles in many other ways as well. By receiving acupuncture 3 to 6 months prior to doing an IVF cycle, a women can prime her body in order to perform better with follicular maturation, blood flow to the uterus and ovaries, reducing inflammation, reducing stress hormones that can throw of your cycle. Being educated about lifestyle and nutritional habits that can improve your Fertility potential as well if you implement changes that will balance and harmonize your system. The IVF process can be a bit stressful, so going into it with more tools for emotional and mental well being can not only make it a more comfortable journey, but lowering stress levels can also improve your results.
Acupuncture dramatically improves pregnancy rates in women undergoing IVF — A study in Germany that was published here in the USA divided 180 women who were having IVF into two groups of 80 women. One group had IVF with acupuncture and one group had IVF without acupuncture. The group that had acupuncture had a pregnancy rate of 42.5% versus the group that had no acupuncture that had a pregnancy rate of 26.3%. That’s almost a 50% better outcome in the acupuncture group.
Acupuncture can reduce the effects of stress on the body and lower stress related hormones that can impede fertility. The same study we talked about above also examined previous studies on the effect of acupuncture on depression and stress related illnesses. It concluded that acupuncture is a viable option to relieve stress in women that are undergoing fertility treatment. This is particularly important because it is known that stress plays a very important role in failure to conceive. A study that was published in Fertility and Sterility in 2001 looked at the state of mind of women going through IVF. It concluded that the women who were most stressed and worried about the procedure were likely to have 20% fewer eggs available for retrieval and a fertilization rate that was 19% less than more optimistic women.
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